Viga Toys Montessori Wooden Educational Threading Blocks for Kids

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Wiekod 3 lat
Wymiary produktu25 x 20 x 5 cm
Waga:1.04 kg
Kod produktu:58505

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    Viga Toys Montessori Wooden Educational Threading Blocks for Kids

    Viga Toys Montessori Wooden Educational Threading Blocks for Kids

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    The threader from Viga Toys is a wooden toy for children, thanks to which they will learn numbers and geometric figures. This is a great game to develop motor skills that are essential for early development. The toy will provide hours of fun and learning by pulling the wool through the holes. This toy fits perfectly with the Montessori principles. Each element is made of good quality wood and painted with non-toxic paint. Threading and lacing develops little finger coordination and patience. This wooden educational toy offers many possibilities, such as placing numbers in the correct ascending or descending order, stringing only even numbers, as well as recognizing colors and shapes. The lack of sharp edges makes the product 100% safe for the child.


    • - the set includes 30 wooden blocks on which, for example, numbers, dots, figures, shapes from the world around us are painted,
    • - blocks and 4 strings included,
    • - elements made of wood,
    • - all packed in a sliding box,
    • - the variety of elements allows you to create unique "chains with beads",
    • - painted with non-toxic paints,
    • - environmentally and child friendly product.

    The toy develops:

    • - dexterity,
    • - the ability to distinguish colors and shapes,
    • - memory,
    • - coordination,
    • - fine motor skills,
    • - coordination,
    • - cognitive abilities,
    • - mathematical skills,
    • - logical thinking,
    • - develops creativity.
    Wiekod 3 lat
    Wymiary produktu25 x 20 x 5 cm


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    Kurier InPost:  
    10,70 zł netto
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    Kurier DHL za pobraniem:  
    17,50 zł netto
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    4,99 zł netto
    Odbiór w punkcie:
    Paczkomaty InPost:  
    10,49 zł netto
    Odbiór osobisty:  
    0 zł

    Zamów do Paczkomatu

    Drewniana gra Rzut pierścieniem cenionego producenta zabawek Viga Toys dla dzieci od 3 roku życia idealna do przedszkola jak i do domu.

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    -8% z kodem: PROMO24

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    Zamów do Paczkomatu

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