Sensory Wallboard Surface Texture Recognition Masterkidz

Kod produktu:



Wiekod 2 lat
Wymiary produktu46 x 46 x 2,9 (cm)
Wymiary opakowania46,5 x 6,4 x 46,5 (cm)
Waga3,95 kg
Waga:3.9 kg
Ilość w kartonie zbiorczym:2 szt. Kup teraz!
Kupując ilość kartonową zyskujesz rabat -2%
Kod produktu:ME06899

Sensory boards are great toys with which toddlers' senses are stimulated. In the case of the Texture Recognition board, the sense of touch is developed, so that it can be used more effectively later when exploring the environment. The game is to find a pair of matching texture tiles with eyes closed. The task is not as simple as it may seem, and the child has to be very focused and use his or her senses.

The toy consists of 9 pairs of tiles. There are small tiles on top, which are touched first to learn the texture and pattern on the tile, and then the child has to find the same tile among the 9 large ones.

It is possible to mount the board in 3 ways:

    Mounting to the wall
    Mounting to the special Masterkidz Flex system
    Mounting to the Masterkidz free-standing stand

The toy is made entirely of wood. By choosing Masterkidz wooden whiteboards, you are taking care of the environment by reducing the production of plastic waste.

Wiekod 2 lat
Wymiary produktu46 x 46 x 2,9 (cm)
Wymiary opakowania46,5 x 6,4 x 46,5 (cm)
Waga3,95 kg


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