Little Tikes Large Kids Basketball Adjustable and Foldable

Kod produktu:



Wiekod 3 lat
Wymiary produktu265 x 80 x 55 (cm).
Wymiary opakowania60 x 28 x 124 (cm).
Waga13 kg.
Waga:12.7 kg
Kod produktu:4339

The basketball from renowned brand Little Tikes was created for children who love playing outdoors. The basketball game is great for group play both at home and in the garden. Thanks to the ability to set five heights of the basket, from 150 to 210 cm, it can be played by children of different age ranges. It is possible to fold the unit for easier storage after play. Transport is facilitated by the wheels installed at the base.
Little Tikes toys are top quality products that will serve your kids for many years.


    - the basketball is foldable for easy storage,
    - Basketball has wheels (easy to move),
    - 5 different heights,
    - product made of high quality material.

The toy develops:

    - manual skills,
    - physical fitness,
    - imagination,
    - creativity.

Little Tikes products are known and loved on all continents, in many homes among countless smiling children and satisfied parents. Little Tikes manufactures products that guarantee all the necessary safety standards. Bearing in mind the durability of the products, the toys are designed and manufactured with the most appropriate technology, which is "rotomolding", guaranteeing great fun for many years.

Wiekod 3 lat
Wymiary produktu265 x 80 x 55 (cm).
Wymiary opakowania60 x 28 x 124 (cm).
Waga13 kg.


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