Feber Red Kids' Running Bike

Kod produktu:



Wiekod 2 lat
Materiałtworzywo sztuczne
Wymiary produktu74 x 43 x 60 (cm)
Wymiary opakowania64,5 x 66 x 26 (cm)
Waga3,5 (kg)
Waga:3.5 kg
Kod produktu:FED07000

Kolor / Wzór

A sensational running bike from Feber - an ergonomic, solid and effective ride. It is intended for children who have already taken their first steps. Built so that they can try and develop further skills - mounting, dismounting, pushing and steering. Made of durable material.


  • - made of weather-resistant material,
  • - high quality,
  • - develops the child's motor skills,
  • - the low center of gravity allows for safe and more confident learning of the first "steps" on the ride-on,
  • - aesthetic design that encourages further play.

The toy develops:

  • - the child's motor skills,
  • - balance,
  • - concentration.

Do you know why FEBER brings so much joy to children? "Because for 50 years we've been playing like children and designing the best toys in the process" - FEBER

FEBER toys include: garden toys, swings, playgrounds, water slides and slides, tricycles and many others. FEBER are toys with AENOR ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OSHAS18001 certificates, which prove the perfection and quality of all processes related to the production of toys: from design and production to service.

Wiekod 2 lat
Materiałtworzywo sztuczne
Wymiary produktu74 x 43 x 60 (cm)
Wymiary opakowania64,5 x 66 x 26 (cm)
Waga3,5 (kg)


Na adres:
Kurier DHL:  
32,50 zł netto
Na adres za pobraniem:
Kurier DHL za pobraniem:  
38 zł netto
Własny kurier:
Bez pakowania na paletę:  
4,99 zł netto
Towar zapakowany na paletę:  
29,99 zł netto
Odbiór w punkcie:
Odbiór osobisty:  
0 zł

-8% z kodem: PROMO24

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