AXI Wooden Sandbox + Accessory Storage + Tarpaulin

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Wiekod 2 lat
Wymiary produktu115 x 115 x 22 cm
Waga:15 kg
Kod produktu:A031.005.00

Kolor / Wzór

Beautiful and versatile, the AXI wooden sandbox is the perfect complement to a backyard playground. The sandbox is equipped with an accessory storage compartment where children can store their shovels and buckets. The storage compartment has wooden lids that act as benches. There are comfortable seats on each corner. A tarpaulin has been included, which serves as a cover, as well as a special ground against weeds. The sandbox can accommodate up to 350kg of sand! The whole set is easy to assemble.


    - Versatile wooden sandbox.
    - The sandbox has a storage compartment for toys.
    - The set additionally includes a tarp to cover the sandbox when it is not in use.
    - It holds up to 350kg of sand.
    - A comfortable seat fits on each corner.

Wiekod 2 lat
Wymiary produktu115 x 115 x 22 cm


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